Use interceptors to destroy turrets - this will make it safer for bombers to fly in and disable shields, something they otherwise might not have been able to do with turrets attacking them.
Assaults on flagships are multi-phased so feel free to experiment with different starfighter classes and different loadouts and components to determine your best personal strategy.
With shields down, use explosives like rockets and missiles as well as your standard laser fire weaponry to damage the hull.
For Corvettes, Raiders, Cruisers, and Nebulon Bs, use Ion damage via Ion Missiles and more to break through shields quicily.
Bomber-class starfighters are generally armed with components designed for destroying capital ships.
Take down capital ship shields and damage the hull using rockets, missiles, laser fire and more.
In the first assault, you’ll attack the enemy’s first line of defense: two medium-sized capital ships.
By winning the skirmish, you gain enough morale to move on to the first assault.
At the start of the battle, you and your squadron must engage in dogfights and take down enemy starfighters doing the same as you.